Practice Yoga for Inner Harmony!
In our increasingly fast-paced world, with our busy daily lives, it plays an important role in all of our lives to find things that help us slow down and pay attention to ourselves. The right techniques not only make us complete physically but also mentally; they help us find our inner harmony.
Jógázz a belső harmóniáért!
In our increasingly fast-paced world, with our busy daily lives, it plays an important role in all of our lives to find things that help us slow down and pay attention to ourselves. The right techniques not only make us complete physically but also mentally; they help us find our inner harmony.

The goal of yoga is for individuals to gradually develop themselves, strengthen their self-awareness, and it contributes significantly to this through the mastery of an appropriate series of exercises and the learning of yogic breathing techniques. To achieve our desired goals through yoga, it's important for the learning process to take place in a personalized, safe environment. Progressing at your own pace provides an opportunity to establish an even stronger harmony within yourself, and the practice of asanas (yoga postures) will positively affect your daily life. The traditional approach to yoga practice involves the teacher-student relationship, as this is the best way to assess and determine specific needs and create a suitable progression plan.

Who are private yoga classes recommended for?

What to expect in a private session?

For pricing and scheduling a private yoga session, please contact Anita at bendyanita@gmail.comor Noémi at vathynoemi@gmail.com -



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Kedves vendégeink!

Teljesen felújítjuk nektek a csoportos óra termet az Oxygen Naphegyen. Az utolsó óra a felújítás előtt július 5-én, pénteken lesz, ezt követően a termet várhatóan július 31-ig bezárjuk a felújítási munkálatok miatt. Bővebb információkat és az aktuális órarendet a lenti gombok segítségével tudod megtekinteni.