Power Plate
You've probably experienced feeling like a workout puts too much strain on you, and you don't see results as quickly as you'd like. Power Plate is a next-generation technology that offers a solution to these problems.
Power Plate
You've probably experienced feeling like a workout puts too much strain on you, and you don't see results as quickly as you'd like. Power Plate is a next-generation technology that offers a solution to these problems.

You can do your workout on an efficient fitness machine that can activate up to 98% of muscle fibers. Thanks to vibrational training, it has an excellent afterburn effect, leaving your entire body firmer, and your shape more toned after workouts.

To schedule an appointment, contact: balazspota88@gmail.com


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Kedves vendégeink!

Teljesen felújítjuk nektek a csoportos óra termet az Oxygen Naphegyen. Az utolsó óra a felújítás előtt július 5-én, pénteken lesz, ezt követően a termet várhatóan július 31-ig bezárjuk a felújítási munkálatok miatt. Bővebb információkat és az aktuális órarendet a lenti gombok segítségével tudod megtekinteni.