

Preventive spinal and stretching trainer, BODYART, and DEEPWORK instructor, aquafitness instructor.


I conduct my classes with a focus on maintaining the health of our spine, a preventive approach, and creating a positive atmosphere. My background in rhythmic gymnastics for several years and nearly 16 years of modern dance have significantly contributed to movement playing a defining role in my life, especially conscious physical activity.

Whether it's preventive spinal training, aqua training, or holistic functional training that intensely engages the entire body, such as DEEPWORK, my primary goal is to help everyone find exercises they can safely perform within their own limits, boundaries, and fitness levels.

Continuous development and staying up-to-date within my field are very important to me. My aim is to assist and motivate my clients with a broad knowledge base and perspective.


"Enthusiasm sets the pace, but persistence reaches the goal."


Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Business, International Communication Program (BA)
- International Wellness Institute - Group Fitness Instructor
- International Wellness Institute - Preventive Spinal and Stretching Trainer

BODYART School Hungary: 

 Certified BODYART® Instructor
 BODYART® Dynamic
 BODYART® Stretch
 BODYART® Contact I.
 BODYART® Energy
 BODYART® Mobility

– BODYART School Hungary:

 Certified DEEPWORK Instructor
 DEEPWORK® basic
 DEEPWORK® Teaching by Elements
 DEEPWORK® Inspirations
 DEEPWORK® Reloaded

- Bene Máté Spine Academy:

 Spine and Fitness Training
 NMPT Instruktor (Natural Movement Pattern Trainer)

- Mandala Spinal Yoga System Association:
 Spinal Yoga Instructor
 Mobility Spinal Yoga Instructor Training

– Fitness Company:

- Certified Aquafitness Instructor
- Almásy Movement Academy: Certified fitmummy® Postnatal Trainer



Kedves vendégeink!

Teljesen felújítjuk nektek a csoportos óra termet az Oxygen Naphegyen. Az utolsó óra a felújítás előtt július 5-én, pénteken lesz, ezt követően a termet várhatóan július 31-ig bezárjuk a felújítási munkálatok miatt. Bővebb információkat és az aktuális órarendet a lenti gombok segítségével tudod megtekinteni.