
András Balázs

Cycling Sports Coach, Spinning® and Group Cycling Instructor

I have always considered sports as an integral part of a balanced life, whether it's at a professional, semi-amateur, or hobby level. Just let it be. And let it be regular.


As a registered athlete, I tried myself in 6 sports (soccer, handball, basketball, tennis, table tennis, athletics), and although I didn't have outstanding results in any of them (I didn't make it to the national team level), each one brought me a lot of joy and success. Diversity and parallelism have accompanied my sports and professional career. Besides these 6 sports, I tried about a dozen more at the amateur level (from skiing to dragon boating), and I still practice them with varying regularity today. A sports injury and the subsequent rehabilitation brought me closer to cycling, first indoors, and then on the road. It started as a leisure activity, but as I learned more to make the time spent on it more efficient and conscious, the idea of sharing something from this passion, and ideally the awareness, with others came to mind.

This is how I became a cycling sports coach with a degree in computer science and economics. For many years now, these two professions have complemented each other in my life, and I strive to give my best in both areas to those around me. My motto: if you want to achieve something in life, sometimes you have to reach for it.

Favorite quote:
"Do or do not. There is no try."

Master Yoda


- Bánki Donát Technical College - Computer Engineer (1994)
- Budapest Business College - Economist in Marketing (2004)
- University of Physical Education - Cycling Sports Coach (OKJ - 2014)
- Mad Dogg Athletics - Spinning Instructor (2013)
- Group Cycling Instructor (2017)


- Table Tennis - Budapest youth team champion
- Athletics - 3rd place nationally in youth category (hammer throw)
- Soccer - Second Division as a youth player


Kedves vendégeink!

Teljesen felújítjuk nektek a csoportos óra termet az Oxygen Naphegyen. Az utolsó óra a felújítás előtt július 5-én, pénteken lesz, ezt követően a termet várhatóan július 31-ig bezárjuk a felújítási munkálatok miatt. Bővebb információkat és az aktuális órarendet a lenti gombok segítségével tudod megtekinteni.