

Group Cycling Instructor / Spinning Coach

My passion for sports was inherited from my parents, who emphasized the importance of incorporating physical activity into my daily life from the age of 3.


This led me to the Székesfehérvár Ice Rink, where I initially pursued individual figure skating and later continued my sports career as a synchronized skater for nearly 20 years. Physical activity became an integral part of my life. During my university years, I became acquainted with spinning, which immediately became a part of my daily routine. After trying various sports, I found spinning to be the most effective form of exercise. It brings me great joy to have the opportunity to motivate others through spinning. Fun and adrenaline are guaranteed in my classes!

"Optimism is the faith that leads to success!"


E-mail: melinda.mocsari@gmail.com


English, Spanish

Kedves vendégeink!

Teljesen felújítjuk nektek a csoportos óra termet az Oxygen Naphegyen. Az utolsó óra a felújítás előtt július 5-én, pénteken lesz, ezt követően a termet várhatóan július 31-ig bezárjuk a felújítási munkálatok miatt. Bővebb információkat és az aktuális órarendet a lenti gombok segítségével tudod megtekinteni.