

Aerobics Trainer & Aqua Fitness Instructor

My love for sports developed at a very young age, as I started competitive athletics at the age of 11.


One of the best things in my life is my job. For me, my job is not just work; it is a calling and a passion. From an early age, I learned to respect and be humble towards sports. Things don’t always turn out the way we imagine, but there is always an opportunity to make the best out of any situation. As a coach, I find it important to emphasize that movement is not just about shaping our bodies—it is so much more than that. Along with our bodies, our souls are also refreshed and renewed. My main focus is aerobics, which I teach with all my heart and love. In addition, I also conduct aqua fitness and personal training sessions, where I closely follow my clients' progress. My goal is to pass on the love of movement so that we don’t just see it as “suffering” but as an opportunity and a source of enjoyment.

Sports are not only physical education but also one of the most powerful tools for nurturing the soul.


- Synergy Vocational School
- Various Courses
- Step Instructor
- Prenatal Exercise Instructor (postpartum recovery)


- 2009 - Athlete of Szolnok County
- 2009-2014 - 6-time Hungarian champion in discus throwing and shot put, first-place team at the National Student Olympics

